Learn, Grow, Shine.

Ideas, tools, and inspiration to transform the way you operate. 

Choosing the Goldilocks Zone

Goldilocks’ story teaches us about discernment and choosing what truly feels right. Instead of succumbing to society’s “more is better” mindset, I’ve been reflecting on sufficiency and focusing on what aligns with my needs and desires, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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A New Definition of Resilience

This week has felt like a decade, with Josh in the hospital and each day feeling like a marathon for me. Through this challenging time, I’ve practiced a new definition of resilience: embracing my emotions, asking for help, and staying present rather than numbing myself or escaping the moment.

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Breaking Patterns and Finding Clarity

After a challenging visit from my parents, I realized that the behavior patterns I thought I’d outgrown still controlled me, leading to frustration and disappointment. However, this experience became a profound learning opportunity, reminding me of the importance of taking space, asking for support, and embracing authenticity over perfection.

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40 Lessons from my 40th Year

Turning 40 feels expansive and full of possibility, like a deeply rooted tree with enormous branches ready to blossom and bear fruit. Reflecting on a transformative year, I’ve learned to embrace both small moments of joy and unexpected challenges, recognizing that I have everything I need within me and the potential to create a life filled with gratitude, curiosity, and growth.

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3 Mindbogglingly Simple Prioritization Practices

Prioritizing effectively and focusing on the right tasks enhances motivation and clarity. Here are a few key practices: Identify impactful tasks using tools like the Eisenhower Matrix, be ruthless in setting daily priorities, and organize your time based on your energy levels to maximize productivity and enjoyment.

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My Top 10 Books of 2023 📚

I am an avid reader who finds immense joy and transformation through books. Here are my top reads from 2023, which have profoundly impacted my perspective and inspired significant psychological shifts.

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Life’s Most Powerful Lessons

In this transformative decade, I’ve discovered that acceptance and surrender are the most powerful and soothing lessons. Despite a week filled with personal and family health crises, I remain focused on my work and personal growth, embracing the flow of life and trusting in its unpredictable nature.

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Pick Something and Back It With Your Life

Your thoughts and fears are the primary obstacles to your success, preventing you from pursuing your dreams and passions. By recognizing and overcoming these internal barriers, committing to your goals, and taking courageous action despite fear, you can transform your life and make a meaningful impact on the world.

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