How Zoe Got Unstuck and Sold Her Business

Zoe Currelly is a chef-entrepreneur who created the plant-based food company, Salt Spring Harvest, to nourish the collective good. She was looking for clarity about the next steps for the business when she started working with me. This is her story in her own words

The Catalyst:

Before I started Lauren’s program, I was very stressed about the state of my business. I wasn’t making enough money to support myself and I was also exhausted from trying.  I wanted to figure out a shift that I could feel good about, relieve my stress and help me stop feeling trapped. **Because of that challenge, I was also scared in a very real way that my investment in working with Lauren would not pay off and that I was being irresponsible by making it.

The Experience:

Lauren’s coaching has given me tools and a space to show up for myself. It reminds me that all the shit in my way is my shit and I can face it and be supported in that. I love how practical and actionable our time together is. It feels very productive and proactive while still focusing on the energy and emotional shifts needed to truly enact and apply the insights gained. I have felt freer and more alive since working with Lauren. She is a queen.

The Breakthrough:

I was made a very interesting offer and sold my business! This was an opportunity I had not even imagined. In the 6 months since I started working with Lauren, I have realized that I wanted to shift away from the business entirely to open up new opportunities. Now I’m doing just that — which is a huge shift energetically and financially.

I’m stepping into my power. My new goal is to create meaningful work that excites me and to love myself in a deep and self-supporting way. I also want to make lots of money!!! I want to live a big and full and sexy and interesting and adventurous life and I‘m ready to make that shit happen — and I know I have the support to do it.

What’s the most important thing people should know about working with LJ?

Their lives will change for the better! Lauren is insightful and funny and creative and organized and they will get the changes they want. I would recommend Lauren specifically to people who want to shift their lives and move toward their goals.

One of the main things I notice in working with her is that she has the perfect approach for people who have maybe not done a ton of assisted self-reflection, energy work, therapy, etc. Her approach is so rooted in the technical and practical that I can see that many “doers” would feel comfortable and supported while learning how to get a deeper understanding of what’s going on for them.

LJ’s Reflections:

Zoe is an incredibly self-aware, driven, brilliant person who has achieved a great deal of success by working incredibly hard. I knew from the moment I met her that she is a force to be reckoned with — and it also became clear very quickly that she was getting in her own way by overthinking and bullying herself.

Through our work together, we helped her to identify the big stories (or limiting beliefs) that have been running her life and keeping her stuck, among which are:

She will be successful if she works harder, and

If she’s not always in action it means she’s lazy

It has been incredible to see how these breakthroughs have enabled her to shift from grinding/doing mode to taking space for herself and staying in deliberate action — working the hours she wants, carving out time for her spiritual and physical well-being and having a major win in her business — an offer which enables her to step into creating a new life with the awareness and freedom she has been longing for.

It’s been amazing to see Zoe step into her true power and recognize how much she was allowing her fears to control her decision-making and inner narrative. Watching her make conscious decisions and empower herself to choose the life she wants has been and continues to inspire me and those around her.

It’s clients like Zoe who inspired me to create the Shift Membership program. Launching in February 2023, Shift is about long-term growth and integration through community and coaching. We meet you where you are and work with you to create the change you want over time. Join a global network of women committed to living, leading and thriving in all facets of life.

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