Go Play!

Are you waiting for permission to have fun?

Have you fallen into the trap of believing that you have to “work hard” to succeed?

What if your success in life has been despite all of the toil and the hard work? And your fun, joyful future is just waiting for you to claim it?

The idea that you have to work hard to make money is an OLD paradigm. It’s an insidious belief that keeps the worker bees working. The more fun you’re having, the more creative you get, the more success you create. It’s been shown time and again. Play researcher, Dr. Stuart Brown, realized after taking play histories of world class scientists that “what they were doing every day in the laboratory was playing.” He followed Nobel laureate, Roger Guillemin, around his lab and noted that “he was like a kid as he described his experiments. Here was the biggest, most expensive sandbox he has ever played with, all set up to let him discover wonderful new things.”

“The work that we find most fulfilling is almost always a recreation and extension of our youthful play.”

The greatest inventors are playing. The greatest writers are playing. The greatest business owners are playing. Hard work is NOT required for success. It gets to be easy. You get to have fun! You get to create and receive BIG benefits without the grind. If you don’t want to keep grinding, if you don’t love the way your work or business is set up right now, if it all feels hard, it’s time to change it. 

Let go of the grind. Let go of the pressure and the resistance. Give yourself permission to have fun, to make it fun, to uncover the ways that it can all BE fun. 

You’re allowed. It’s safe. And it’s possible.

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